How to create dashboards with Grafana and the IoTHub
- Install Grafana following the official installation guide.
- Install the JSON API datasource plugin which will be used to read data from the IoTHub REST interface:
grafana-cli plugins install marcusolsson-json-datasource
- Restard the Grafana service afterwards.
Set up IoTHub API as datasource
To show values from your things in Grafana you need to set up the IoTHub as datasource.
- Log in to your Grafana instance and go into settings menu.
- Select data sources and add a new data source.
- Select JSON API in others category.
- Fill out name and URL. Include the API version in URL.
- Add "Authorization" as custom http header. In the value field write "Bearer", add a space and paste a IoTHub AppToken. To test your settings click "Save & Test".
For security reasons do not use a Super-Admin AppToken for this! Create a new user in IoTHub and assign access only to the things you want to display in Grafana.
Set up Queries in Dashboard-Widgets
- Add a new dashboard
- Add a new widget.
- Select path and complete the API URL to the property you want to display. e.g.:
- In Query Tab select the datasource of the IoTHub API, you created before. Define the fields to show:
REST API documentation
Study IoTHub API documentation for further information about the paths and usage. Switch to the fields tab and select the value in the JSON-Response you want to display. If you request properties directly, like in the example above, you simply fill out the property name. It's helpful to use a REST-Request software like Insomnia or postman to check the JSON responses from IoTHub and fill out all fields correctly. Everything is working when values are displayed in the preview.
- Select a graph as visualization:
- A graph widget will be created based on the historical data of the property. A running history module is required for this functionality.
- To further improve performance, go to Params Tab and add "timespan" as parameter. Use a value in hours, you want to receive data. For example to fetch the last 3 hours add 3h. This way you can minimize data traffic and improve performance.
Increase performance
All widgets work better with Cache Time set to 0s. Multiple graphs/values can be visualised on one panel by adding more queries to the widget.