WoT - Web of Things

This articles describes the role of the Web of Things (WoT) in the IoTHub.

General Information

The Web of Things (WoT) contains software architectural styles and programming patterns that allow real-world objects to be part of the World Wide Web.[1]open in new window

The Web of Things is made of entities (Things) that can describe their capabilities in a machine-interpretable format, the Thing Description (TD), and expose these capabilities through the WoT Interface, that is, network interactions modeled as Properties for reading and writing values, Actions to execute remote procedures with or without return values and Events for signaling notifications.[2]

It also contains the Web Thing REST APIopen in new window and Web Thing WebSocket APIopen in new window, which allow a web client to access the properties of devices, request the execution of actions and subscribe to events representing a change in state.[3]

Usage of WoT in the IoTHub

The WoT is used within the IoTHub as

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