Things in the UI

This section describes adding, removing and editing of things and their properties as well as triggering actions in the UI and. Where events and alarms of a thing can be found weill be shown here too. To access the UI, click on the Things icon at the top (1).


Adding a Thing

To add a thing, first click on the button at the bottom left (2). From there, you can click on "Add New Thing". A 3-page Dialog will open. On the first page, you have to select the desired thing type. For an overview of available thing types, please refer to the Everything is a Thing#Things section above.

On the next page you have to enter a title as well as a description for the thing you want to add. Also, fill in the thing type specific properties. Proceed by clicking Next again. On the last page, you can verify whether the information you entered is correct and finally add the thing by clicking Install. The thing will be created and displayed on the left (3).

General Thing Information

The name of the thing is displayed on top (4). More general information (e.g. the thing type) is also shown in a box on top (5). For Things that have a type which is not 'Virtual Thing' the configuration will also be shown in this Box (5).

For an explanation of the different states, please refer to the Everything is a Thing#Things section above.

Removing a Thing

To remove a thing, first select it in the thing list (3). Then open the thing menu by clicking on the Menu Icon (6) and then click on the 'Delete Thing' option. Confirm the deletion in the dialog that is displayed.


Adding a Property

To add a property to a thing, first select the thing from the list (3), then click on the Add button (7). Fill in the fields Name/Address as well as Type (Please refer to the table in the Everything is a Thing#Things section above for details). All other fields are optional. Add the property by clicking Install. The new property will be displayed as a card on the things page (8). It is also possible to add a property via the 'Add Property' option in the thing menu that appears when clicking the menu button (6).

Editing a Properties Attributes

To edit a properties attributes, click on the menu icon of a property card to open the property menu, then click the Settings icon (9). The same dialog as for adding a property will be displayed.

Writing a Property

To write the value of a property, click on the menu icon of a property card to open the property menu, then click on the Write icon (10) and enter the new value in the dialog that is shown. Write the value to the property by clicking Save.

Deleting a Property

To delete a property, click on the menu icon of a property card to open the property menu, then click on the Bin icon (12). Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete in the opened Dialog.

To delete multiple properties, click on the Menu icon (6) in the top right. Then click the 'Delete Properties' option in the thing menu. Select all properties you want to delete by checking the respective check box in the list that is shown. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

Display properties in grid or table layout

Clicking the Layout Button (11) switches between the Grid View, where each property is shown as card in a grid, and the Table View where a simple table is used to show all properties of a thing.


All things apart from the virtual have actions. Actions are commands send via the agent to the real device. The thing view contains a dialog for triggering the actions if a thing has at least one.

To execute an action, please click on the Trigger Action button (13) to open the dialog and then start the action by clicking on the respective Play icon (14).

To check the result of an action, open the sidebar on the thing view by clicking the sidebar handle (15), expand the 'Action Responses' category (16) and check the action response items in there (17). The most recently executed action will be listed at the top of the list (16). By clicking an action response item a dialog containing more information will open up (18).


To check the thing events, open the sidebar on the thing view by clicking the sidebar handle (15), expand the 'Latest Thing Events' category (19) and check the event items in there (20). The most recent events will be listed at the top of the list (20). By clicking an event item a dialog containing more information will open up (21).


Alarms can be set for properties of all things. If alarms of the current thing are active they can be found in the sidebar of the thing view.

To check the alarms, open the sidebar on the thing view by clicking the sidebar handle (15), expand the 'Active Alarms' category (22) and check the alarm items in there (23). Clicking an alarm item redirects to the respective alarm view.

Last Updated: 12/10/2021, 11:18:40 AM