The script development is described in the Developer manual.
Scripting Overview
The scripting overview page contains two main parts, the script list on the left side and the tile view on the right. The overview page can be reached by opening the scripting page clicking on the icon in the Navigation Bar or by clicking the icon in the upper left corner of the scripting page.
The script list at the left shows the visible scripts for the user. To filter scripts, the search element at the top of the list can be used. With the icon a new script can be added, the loads the current script list if there is doubt about the currency of the states and the menu is used for several actions around scripts. They are described in the User manual.
Each entry in this list contains a menu to update and delete the script and a status indicator on the left side, showing if the script is running or stopped . Selecting one of the scripts opens the script's details on the right side.
Scripting IDE
The code page allows editing the scripts code, synchronize them with the IoTHub server, starts and stops them, showing console outputs and editing metadata of the script. All functions can be accessed via the top bar. In the editor, the context help can be activated with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+Space.
On top are tab riders to switch between the code view (SCRIPT) and the output of the script (OUTPUT). The top bar functions are listed in the following table.
Icon | Description |
Downloads the latest version from the IoTHub | |
Saves/Uploads the version from the IDE to the IoTHub | |
Starts the script uploaded to the IoTHub | |
Stops the script running at the IoTHub | |
Refreshes the output windows | |
Edits the metadata of the script | |
Deletes the script from the IoTHub |