Developer Guide

Learn about IoTHubs APIs and Scripting


The IoTHub is a data platform for collecting, processing and serving data mainly from other machines. Because the IoTHub does not know about the purpose of the data it provides several interfaces and internal ways to access and process the data. The usage of that demands some software development skills.

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Data Access Interfaces

The developer guide consists of three sections on how to access data in the IoTHub:

  • The IoTHub provides a RESTful API to access the data and executing instructions to create, update, write or delete entities of the different domains (e.g. Things). It uses the pull mechanism to handle the data.
  • A second way is the usage of a web socket which allows getting notified about changes of property values, new events and action results.
  • The third way is the usage of Scripting which allows immediate data manipulation (also have a look at Writing Scripts).

Tutorials: Want to skip the detailed explanations and go straight to the code? This section contains a list of tutorials that explain how to use the Scripting API.


You still have problems or uncertainties regarding the use of IotHub? Do not hesitate to visit our support centeropen in new window or to contact our sales team. Furthermore, you are also welcome to point out missing or too superficially treated aspects in the user manual. Additionaly, checkout the other User Guides (More > All User Manuals).