# Device settings

Some technology-specific fields are essential for the agent when setting up an OPC UA device (also named as OPC UA server) in the IoTHub.

# Thing

A thing is a digital representation of a physical device (commonly termed "digital-twin").

# Configuration

The configuration defines connection-related settings for communicating with the device. Here, essential technology-specific fields to set are:

  • endpoint: The endpoint defines the devices address and listening port number. This information is used by the agent for establishing a connection with the OPC UA server.
  • securityMethod: This field defines the security method for discovering a specific endpoint in the OPC UA server. Here, valid security methods are:
Security method Description
None No security method
Sign Signed message exchange
Sign&Encrypt Signed and encrypted message exchange
  • securityPolicy: This field defines the security policy for discovering a specific endpoint in the OPC UA server. Here, valid security policies are:
Security policy Reference
None http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None
Basic256Sha256 http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256
Basic256 http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256
Basic128Rsa15 http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic128Rsa15

# Attributes

The attributes define settings that do not directly affect the connection between agent-device but are still relevant for communication. Here, essential technology-specific fields are:

  • sampling_interval: The sampling interval defines a "best-effort" cyclic rate that the agent uses to sample data from the device. "Best-effort" in this context means that the agent does its best to sample data at the given time frame.

# Properties

Properties represent all items that the agent should monitor; this means reading or writing data from or into them, respectively.

# Attributes

Each property contains the following technology-specific fields:

  • namespace: Namespace index authority of the node.
  • identifier_type: Type of the node's identification. HEre, valid identifier types are:
Identifier type OPC UA notation Used for
String s= String identifiers
Numeric i= Numeric identifiers
Guid g= GUID or UUID identifiers
Opaque b= Base64 encoded identifiers
  • identifier: Identification of the node. Depending on the identifier type, it can be a string, number, guid, or a base64string.

# Actions

Actions are interaction affordances that allow to invoke specific functions on the device or retrieve information from it. Here, essential technology-specific actions are:

  • connect: Use this action for connecting and subscribing to the OPC UA device.
  • disconnect: Use this action for disconnecting and unsubscribing from the OPC UA device.
Last Updated: 1/14/2022, 2:32:01 PM