# Device settings

Some technology-specific fields are essential for the agent when setting up a ELCO Spider67 Mobile device (a.k.a., thing) in the IoTHub.

# Thing

A thing is a digital representation of a physical device (commonly termed "digital-twin").


ELCO Spider67 Mobile devices (i.e., things) have a special treatment in our IoTHub. As soon as the agent and the device are connected to the same MQTT broker. Then, the agent will automatically register your device (and its properties, see below). Optionally, you can also register the device in the IoTHub before turn it on, but be aware that you must correctly input the list of identifiers labeled on the side of your device.

# Configuration

The configuration defines connection-related settings for communicating with the device. Here, essential technology-specific fields are:

  • interval: The interval specifies the time (in milliseconds) used by the device for sending data. This means, the device will do its best to cyclically send data in the given time frame.
  • identifiers: This defines the list of identifiers used to recognize the device. This list is usually labeled on the side of the device and contains the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number, the Integrated Circuit Card ID (ICCID), among others.


When the device is created by the agent, the initial list of identifiers is given by device itself. Please, be extremely careful if you register your device manually or if you update the list of identifiers. The first identifier (i.e., the IMEI) is particularly important because it will be used for communicating the agent with the device via MQTT; thus, if you set a wrong identifier the communication can be broken.

  • modules: The modules define a collection of individual configurable slots (either digital or analog) named channels. Find below the list of valid modules:
Module Description
CH8_DI_M12 8 channels input module with M12 connector
CH8_DO_M12 8 channels output module with M12 connector
CH8_DUP_M12 8 channels input&output configurable module with M12 connector
CH8_DI_M8 8 channels input module with M8 connector
CH8_DO_M8 8 channels output module with M8 connector
CH8_DUP_M8 8 channels input&output configurable module with M8 connector
CH3_AI_INPUT 3 channels analog current input with M12 connector
CH3_AV_INPUT 3 channels analog voltage input with M12 connector
CH4_AI_INPUT 4 channels analog current input with M12 connector
CH4_AV_INPUT 4 channels analog voltage input with M12 connector
CH3_AI_OUTPUT 3 channels analog current output with M12 connector
CH3_AV_OUTPUT 3 channels analog voltage output with M12 connector
CH4_AI_OUTPUT 4 channels analog current output with M12 connector
CH4_AV_OUTPUT 4 channels analog voltage output with M12 connector


The list of attached modules matches the physical connections on the device; thus, this information comes from the device itself, and it should not alter by the user.

  • firmware: This specifies the current firmware version executed on the device.


This information comes from the device itself, and it should not alter by the user.

# Properties

Properties represent all items that the agent should monitor; this means reading or writing data from or into them, respectively.

# Predefined

For ELCO Spider67 Mobile devices there are some predefined technology-specific properties:

  • CSQ: This property informs about the current device's quality signal.
  • configured_logic: This property holds the latest configured logic image. If the device is restarted, the logic contained in this property will be automatically sent to the device.
  • channel_status: This property informs about the current status of the device's channels. It displays a list of the channel ids with their corresponding statuses. Here, valid channel statuses are:
Status Description
NORMAL The channel is working normally
SHORT The channel is receiving an abnormal input
OVERLOAD The channel is receiving an excessive input
DAMAGED The channel is not working or responding

# Attributes

Each property representing a physical channel contains the following technology-specific fields:

  • module: This field defines the source (parent) module from where the agent created the property (i.e., a reference to one of the modules contained in the thing's configuration).
  • channelId: This field defines the internal representation of the property in the agent. This channel id is a unique identifier in the form of module_X.channel_Y where X is the correlative numbering of the parent module in the configuration, and Y is the correlative number of the physical channel.

For instance, if the configuration has the following modules list: CH8_DUP_M12, CH8_DUP_M12, and CH3_AI_INPUT. Then, the corresponding channel identifiers are as follows:

module_0.channel_0 module_1.channel_0 module_2.channel_0
module_0.channel_1 module_1.channel_1 module_2.channel_1
module_0.channel_2 module_1.channel_2 module_2.channel_2
module_0.channel_3 module_1.channel_3
module_0.channel_4 module_1.channel_4
module_0.channel_5 module_1.channel_5
module_0.channel_6 module_1.channel_6
module_0.channel_7 module_1.channel_7

Here, each channel identifier (i.e., each module_X.channe_Y) represents a different property (i.e., a physical channel of the device).

  • channelType: This field specifies how a particular channel is configured to work. Here, channels can be set for handling a precise type of input. These types are divided in different categories depending on the parent module:

Valid types for digital channels (i.e., created from digital modules):

Channel Type Description
UNIVERSAL The channel can be used as input and output
INPUT The channel is input only
OUTPUT The channel is output only

Valid types for analog current channels (i.e., create from analog modules which operate current inputs):

Channel Type Description
ANCHOFF The channel is disabled (i.e., not configured)
AN_0_20mA The channel operates from 0mA to 20mA
AN_4_20mA The channel operates from 4mA to 20mA
AN_20_20mA The channel operates from -20mA to +20mA
AN_0_24mA The channel operates from 0mA to 24mA
AN_24_24mA The channel operates from -24mA to 24mA

Valid types for analog voltage channels (i.e., create from analog modules which operate voltage inputs):

Channel Type Description
ANCHOFF The channel is disabled (i.e., not configured)
AN_0_10V The channel operates from 0V to +10V
AN_10_10V The channel operates from -10V to +10V
AN_0_5V The channel operates from 0V to 5V
AN_5_5V The channel operates from -5V to +5V


Please note that the analog channels reports only raw values. For instance, if you set an analog channel as type AN_5_5V, the property will not display values between -5 and 5 but the value of the original analog signal instead.

# Actions

Actions are interaction affordances that allow to invoke specific functions on the device or retrieve information from it. Here, essential technology-specific actions are:

  • manual_configuration: Use this action to manually send the current configuration to the device.
  • fota_update: Use this action for requesting a Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) update. This will restart the device and download the latest firmware version.
  • logic_image: Use this action for setting and sending a new logic image to the device. This defines a set (array) of logic instructions which will be automatically processed by the device when certain conditions (operations) are satisfied.

The general structure of a logic image is as follows:

Input Operation Output
module_[X].channel_[0-7] -(O)- module_1.channel_[0-7]

Here, input and output are represented by the identifier of a specific channel. Moreover, you can replace -(O)- for one of the following valid operations (depending on the type of the input channel):

Operation Type
-(=)- or -(==)-: The output should have the same value as the input Digital
-(!=)- or -(<>)-: The output should have the opposite value than the input Digital
-(>X)-: If the input is higher than X the output should be active Analog
-(<X)-: If the input is lower than X the output should be active Analog


Currently, only module_1 can be used as output of logic images.

  • raw_logic: Use this action for setting and sending a new logic image without the previously described notation. This defines an array of logic instruction which will be automatically processed by the device with certain conditions are satisfied.

The general structure of a rae logic image is as follows:

Raw field Size (bytes) Description
Version 4 Logic version
Input 1 Correlative number of the input channel
Output 1 Correlative number of the output channel
Type 1 Logic type (0: analog, 1: digital)
Operation 1 Rule (0: not equal or less than, 1: equal or higher than
Threshold 2 Boundary condition (only applicable for analog logics)

The correlative notation of input and outputs is inferred from the position of the parent modules in the thing's configuration. For instance, if the configuration has the following modules list: CH8_DUP_M12, CH8_DUP_M12, and CH3_AI_INPUT. Then, the corresponding correlative numeration of the channels (represented in parentheses) is as follows:

module_0.channel_0 (0) module_1.channel_0 (8) module_2.channel_0 (16)
module_0.channel_1 (1) module_1.channel_1 (9) module_2.channel_1 (17)
module_0.channel_2 (2) module_1.channel_2 (10) module_2.channel_2 (18)
module_0.channel_3 (3) module_1.channel_3 (11)
module_0.channel_4 (4) module_1.channel_4 (12)
module_0.channel_5 (5) module_1.channel_5 (13)
module_0.channel_6 (6) module_1.channel_6 (14)
module_0.channel_7 (7) module_1.channel_7 (15)
  • erase_logic: Use this action for removing every logic image previously sent to the device.

# Events

Events are transition states that describe particular conditions or relevant changes in the interaction between the agent and the device. Here, essential technology-specific events are:

  • configuration_delivery: This event notifies when the configuration was delivered to the device. If an error occurred during the transmission, it is also notified by this event.
  • changed_identifiers: This notifies when the device's identifiers have been changed.
Last Updated: 1/14/2022, 2:26:59 PM