IoTHub Agents

User manual

# Introduction

In the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), data and security are certainly the most critical concerns. In ELCO Industrie Automation GmbH (opens new window), we manage the data coming from different industrial IoT sources with the highest performance, security, and reliability, via specialized entities called Agents.

Agents are open platform data collectors that can read and send data directly into our IoTHub, where you can further manage, process, and visualize it. ELCO has developed several agents compatible with the most relevant industrial communication protocols such as Modbus, OPC Unified Architecture (UA), MQTT, Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), Siemens Simatic S7, and many others. Furthermore, we are continuously adding and supporting more technologies to satisfy all possible necessities of an intelligent factory.

Please follow the links below to get started and know more about the agents.

# Agents

The Agents section provides a detailed description about the agents. Here, you will learn about the agents communication, how to install an agent, the current supported technologies and protocols, available versions, and more.

# Controller

The Controller section provides a detailed description about the agents controller (or simply called controller). Here, you will learn about the controller communication, how to install an agents controller, the current available versions, and more.

# Support

Do you have questions about the IoTHub Agents?

Do not hesitate to visit our support center (opens new window) or contact our sales team.